$63,150 In 48 Hours? Lessons From Our $150 ChatGPT Webinar | Espresso Hour E8

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In this episode, Ship 30 for 30 Captains Dickie Bush and Nicolas Cole walk through their thought process for creating, promoting, and launching their $60k ChatGPT Webinar 

(00:00) Intro 
(03:03) Coming up with the idea 
(04:03) Idea to execution 
(05:58) Takeaways from $65k launch 
(10:19) Thoughts on webinars versus courses 
(10:52) Compounding potential 
(12:53) What are we doing next? 
(14:05) Easy way to extend LTV of any customer/student 
(16:53) Things we could've done better 
(19:12) Psychological trick to boost online purchase conversion 
(20:27) Biggest conclusion from this webinar 


Download our FREE 13,000-word ultimate guide: http://startwritingonline.com 
Start writing on Typeshare: http://typeshare.co 

• Follow Dickie on Twitter: http://twitter.com/dickiebush 
• Follow Dickie on LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/dickiebush 

• Follow Cole on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Nicolascole77 
• Follow Cole on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicolascole

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